Professional Development

SERIES 1 & 2 - Fall 2021


We appreciate you taking the time to work on your leadership and social/emotional skills.

Click on a topic to review the curriculum and resources:
Session 1: Growth
Lessons from the green bamboo including three strategies for explosive growth.
Session 2: Your Brain on Gratitude
Tap into a little known bio-hack that changes the chemistry and functionality of the brain.
Session 3: Habit Shifting
Powerful tools and tactics for shifting mindsets and behaviors for improved outcomes.
Session 4: Sustainability
Learn how to end drama, level out your energy and practice self-care by taking control of your learning process.
Session 5: Courage
Courage can be practiced and developed like any other skill.
Session 6: Neuro-Plasticity for Empathy
Train the brain by challenging paradigms and you can further develop the capacity for empathy.
Session 7: Contextual Adaptability
Learn about "code switching" and the ways in which we all modify our behaviors in certain relationships, environments and contexts.
Session 8: The Learnavore
The human brain is a learning machine. This is what makes it perform best.


THANKS for doing work that matters in your community. Here's a FREE Family Engagement Workshop.

No strings attached. Just go and enjoy it.

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