
The B.O.N.E.
The Bank of Negative Energy

Everyday we surround ourselves with the influences of media and of other people. More often than not, we aren't completely conscious about the words that we are hearing and the words that we are choosing to say to ourselves and to others.

We spent an entire day attempting to get a grip on our own negative tendencies. It was an eye-opening experience. We created fake money and each time that we had a negative thought or spoke in a negative fashion, we had to contribute $1 to the Bank of Negative Energy. By the end of just one afternoon, we had collected over $230.

That's a frightening amount of negativity...even when we were trying to think and speak positively. We learned some valuable things about ourselves:

1. Words Hold Incredible Power
Choose your language carefully...when you speak to yourself and when you speak to others. Each word creates a mental image and negative words paint unpleasant pictures. These pictures sit in our unconscious and the brain works to make them true or to negate them. Speaking positively creates beautiful pictures in the mind and the unconscious mind then works to align your reality with them.

2. The Law of Attraction
It's a simple concept that's been around for ages and has recently been popularized by the book and movie, "The Secret". The bottom line is that you create your world, your outcomes, your relationships, your circumstances...it's all you. Be responsible for what you've created, take feedback from it and drive yourself to think positively...attracting positive people, surroundings and situations for yourself.




Two Hot Tips:

1. Write down your goals and create pictures of them...literally. This creates positive images in your mind and will begin to set a path for your subconscious to follow.

2. Visualize! If you can see it, you can do it. When you're about to face a challenge, take a moment, close your eyes, breathe deeply and create a picture of your success in your mind. this slows your heart rate, clams your mind, gives your brain and body the feeling of success and puts you in a resourceful state. Try it.

