
The Fuggle
Chaos can teach!

The Fuggle challenge was fast, furious, frustrating and fun...but what did we learn?

Let's take a look at the key learning points:

1. Learn to Say NO
As educators, we tend to be nice, kind-hearted people. This is is our ultimate asset and also a potential pitfall. We need to say NO when we are overloaded. If the quality of our work, relationships and results with our students is falling, shed some of your workload and get focused again. Saying NO is the responsibility of everyone on the team. Quality is paramount. If you see that any one person on the team is overloaded, pause the system, shift resources or cut out things that are unnecessary.

2. Rewarding great work with more work isn't always a good idea.
It is very common in the workplace that when people achieve great results, they are rewarded with additional work and/or responsibilities. This can lead to talented people being overworked and this greatly diminishes quality. Instead, if someone is doing a great job, have others on the team observe them, learn from them and make changes to drive up quality.

3. Ask Why?
Any time additional challenges or asks are added to the workload, ask WHY? Why are we doing this? How can we handle this while maintaining quality? Who is best equipped to handle this? What skills or awareness do I need to handle this well?

Ask questions with purpose, not to push work away, but to ensure that all that you/we are doing is at the highest quality possible.

4. Define Standards
Transparency breeds trust and understanding. Make every expectation clear. Define exactly how the work is going to get done well. Create standards that everyone can model while working toward a common goal. How we work is as important as the work itself.


