
The EARN Model Applied
Everything is on purpose.

We took an in-depth look at two of the school culture drivers within the EARN Model. We focused on Environment and Atmosphere.

The physical space of a school can be a powerful context. The space can be used to inform, promote, calm, energize, lead, comfort and inspire.

Two dynamics that we understand from our work with the Triune Brain Model are:

Humans are designed to hunt. We have eyes on the front of our heads and our visual channel trumps all other types of stimulation. With that in mind, it's important to assess our learning environments and ensure that they provide our inner "hunter" with plenty of stimulation.

Make sure that students are surrounded with information and that they have spaces in which to connect.

Some good ideas for this are K-Walls, themed learning spaces, brightly colored high-traffic zones and outdoor spaces with many vantage points.

Humans also need places of refuge. They need places to feel safe after the hunt. Small spaces that are comfortable, intimate and quiet. Provide students with soft spaces throughout the school where they can find refuge from the masses to reflect.

Some good ideas are learning lounges, quiet zones, no-tech zones, low-light areas, dark/richly colored spaces and single-purpose areas.

School cultures create the atmosphere of a learning community. The best way for school leaders to lay the ground work for a successful school culture is to define the standards of participation for staff, students and parents. Take the time to brainstorm exactly what you want your school culture to be like. Then make it transparent to everyone. This will create a framework or context for the way work will get done.

