
Time Management

Here are six time management strategies that were introduced to ensure our lives do not turn into a Fuggle.

  • Schedule Early
    Try to plan as far in advance as you can. It puts a date on your calendar so you’re less likely to plan two things on the same day. Also, the auto-pilot in your brain starts to go into effect as soon as you put that date onto your calendar so by the time you get there you feel prepared.

  • Time Integrity
    Treat your time as if it were money. Don't waste it. G
    et into the habit of disciplining yourself around time integrity.

  • "White Space"
    One of the ways to save yourself some stress is to plan for white space. White space means as soon as something leaves your hand you have a moment to take a breath. That period is good and healthy for you and your brain.

  • Set Boundaries
    Once you get good at setting boundaries people start getting used to them and will honour them. Allow people to start to know what your boundaries are. They won’t get upset and they will start to respect you more because you’re so clear that this is your value.

  • Plug the Drain
    There are little habits, things we do everyday that are unproductive and steal time from us. Plug that drain and you’ll be amazed at how those minutes add up. They’re not usually big things, they’re the little things.

  • Big Rocks First
    When making
    a to-do list there are often some things that are easy to do and some that are the big things you’ve been thinking of most, which are the big rocks. Tackle the big things first or else what often happens is the big items keep getting pushed and may never get done.